Breakfast and Kale by Stephen Cooper

When clients ask me for help about losing fat, one of the best ways I can help is to review their eating.  I usually ask clients to list 3 days of their eating details for me.

I don't do this to pass judgement, I only want to peer into what they are eating.  

Let's look at breakfast...Most often I see clients eating what they believe is a healthy breakfast.  Here are a few examples.

Day 1:

B-English muffin with peanut butter

S-Banana, cup of coffee (1 creamer) 

Day 2:

B-Bagel with ham, cup of coffee with 1 creamer



Day 3:

B-croissant, cup of coffee


As you can see it looks pretty blatant "bad" or junk foods, but for this client to lose fat, things must be modified.  My suggestions are in blue.

Cut out the grains.  I wouldn't mind if you had a low carb protein shake with the pb  


S-Banana, cup of coffee (1 creamer)

May want to ditch the banana until you get to your desired weight...think melons and berries instead.​


S-1/2 english muffin with peanut butter

Ditch the muffin, keep the pb...but watch the portion size.


Day 2:

B-Bagel with ham, cup of coffee with 1 creamer​ 

Cut out the grains.



Try proteins and fat instead, such as a pro shake and maybe some almonds.​
Kale Shake Recipe, I just made before my own workout today.
Protein powder
Frozen banana
Avocado from the garden
Kale from the garden


Here's a link on kale,