How do I register for the camp?  Email:  stephen@bootcamppasadena.com.  All returning clients must secure their spot in class by emailing to confirm they will continue.

What is a Camp?  A camp consists of either 12 or 13 classes over 4 weeks (MWF 5:45am-6:30am, or MWF 6:00pm-6:45pm), or 8 classes over 4 weeks (T TH, 6:00pm-6:45pm).  There are typically 12-13 camps offered per year.

How and when do I pay?  Payment in full is due on the first class of a new session.  Checks can be made out to “Stephen Cooper”.  I also accept, cash,PayPal, and Venmo.

Can I sign up for a partial camp?  Yes, if there are spaces.  I will prorate the camp.

What do I bring to class and what can I expect?  Bring a yoga mat, full-sized towel, and drinking water.

For the morning session, park inside the gate on the school’s blacktop.  For the evening session, park on the street and walk through the gate to the blacktop.

Once you arrive, lay out your mat, and instruction will begin promptly on time.   

Each class is unique and is specifically designed to challenge you and maximize fat loss and toning.  You will be instructed through a short warm up and then proceed to the  ‘work’ section of the workout.  Class will end promptly on time.

For cold weather days, bringing a jacket, hat, and gloves can be helpful.  On warm weather days, hydration prior to class is important (particularly for the evening class).

What do I do if it rains?  Class is still held; show up for training!  The morning sessions may meet in the multipurpose room on campus (note the open doors on the west end of campus); evening sessions meet outside under the overhang.

What happens if I miss a class?  Do you credit missed classes?  If you miss a class in the current camp (due to illness, vacation, or otherwise), you are welcome to make it up within the same camp at another class time.  Class credit does not carry over to future sessions and is not credited monetarily.

What if I miss classes due to prolonged illness or vacation?  If you find yourself in a situation where you will be gone for 5 or more classes within a session, due to prolonged illness, contact me so we can work out an arrangement.   If you have a planned vacation that exceeds 5 missed classes, let me know when you register for the session.

What happens on holidays?  For major holidays (New Year Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day), there will be no class.  Email reminders are sent out to notify clients of holiday class schedule.

For any questions not covered, please email me: stephen@bootcamppasadena.com