Our current camp will end on Friday June 26. On Monday the 29th we'll start right back up with another four week session. This will be the last session before "summer break" when I'll be in Brazil till late August. We'll start up again probably around Aug 26...I will give you the specific details before I leave for vacation.
I am still working on the details for Boot Camp in Rio (second week of August) but it has been a little more challenging than I had expected. I will post any news as soon as I know.
From the Stephen Cooper Training Site...
What is You Stop Doing Strategy?
The Great Challenge of Training is That There is No End to Training
Video Tip on Eating
Food Inc. The Movie Opens Here in L.A.
Please let me know how often you'd like to hear from me. Once a week, twice a week? What are you most interested in? Nutrition? Training? Etc.?
This newsletter is for you, so let me know how I can help.
Keep up the great work...I know that I don't say it often enough, but I see your effort, and I am impressed.
P.S. I encourage you to leave your comments and questions on the blogs. Someone else in your class may have the same question. Share, and let's help each other.