Happy Thanksgiving / by Stephen Cooper

Three quick things for this Thanksgiving... 

First, a big thank you to my clients present and past.  It's you who allows me to make a living doing what I love. I cannot thank you enough. 

Second, I hope that this Thanksgiving finds you in excellent health.  Now more than ever there seems to be a lot that we cannot control...but one area in which you can take control, is your health.  No one is going to wake up early for you and exercise.  No one is going to make you eat the healthy foods that you know you must eat to be at your best.  No more excuses...take care of you. 

Third,  eat what you like this Thanksgiving.  It really bugs me when I see low fat or low sugar substitutes  during the holiday season.  Eat your favorite goodies.  Enjoy traditional family meals.  One day is not going to ruin your health or your waistline...it's the other six days of this week that you must focus on. 



P.S.  For those in my boot camps... No class on Thursday, but regular classes on Friday.