Fall Back Into Fitness Special / by Stephen Cooper

School has officially begun.

In my own case, my daughter began college last week, and my son began seventh grade today.

 (My daughter at SDSU)

If you've been putting off training because you were just too busy this summer, then now is the time to restart.

Our next boot camp begins Sept. 12th..

There are two simple options for a month of training.

1.  Attend 3 sessions per week for $147

2.  Come twice a week for $97

Each class is approximately forty five minutes long.

These prices are the lowest I've offered in two years and I'm not sure how long they will last.

If you start now, you will lock in that rate until at least the end of the year.

If you are serious about losing that nagging fat, then please contact me.  I'm ready to help.  

Best, Stephen  

P.S.  If you have already confirmed your spot with me you can disregard this email...even better is to pass it along to a friend or co-worker who might need a little boost to get moving.