New Accountability Help / by Stephen Cooper

One of the biggest reasons you come to boot camp is to be held accountable.

I want to increase the accountably with your eating, training, sleep and recovery.

There are many ways that we can do this.  Many are pretty complex programs where you need to log in and add details of what you ate, hours you slept, etc.. I've often found that clients start off OK with these type of programs, but it becomes a hassle to go through many hoops when it is often just easier to email me.

Instead...if you are really committed to changing your body faster, I will encourage you to do these few things. 

  1. Snap a before picture of yourself. (Usually a picture from the front, side, and back are best.)
  2. Take your before measurements.  Simply take a tape measure and measure those areas that are most important to you...such as hips, waist, thighs, arms.  (If you have any questions about how to take these, just let me know.)
  3. Take your beginning weight.  As you know I don't stress weighing yourself as it is a poor way of knowing how much lean muscle you have compared to fat, but we'll still want to have this number.
  4. Email all of this to me on or before the first day of camp.


On training days snap a picture of each of the meals you eat. (You may want to do this more frequently, and that is fine with me.)  It's very simple these days.  Just snap a picture, and email it to me.  (Let me know if I can share the picture and recipe as this sharing will help everyone with food ideas.)

Also let me know how many hours you slept the night before, and if you made it to the boot camp session or if you did some type of training on your own.

Lastly let me know if you used your grid/foam roller for self massage, or if you actually got a massage.

We'll start with these.

This will demand some commitment on your part.  I am here to provide you all of the support you need.