Living and Learning...
A few weeks ago I went camping with my family up along the California Coast (San Simeon up by Hearst's Castle to be exact).
San Simeon, CA
San Simeon, CA
Normally I'm a very active guy and I look forward to adventures such as this, but this time was a little different.
For the past 2 and half years I've been doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It's been a blast for the most part...but there have been some serious injuries.
The small injuries such as two broken fingers and two broken toes healed pretty fast.
A torn medial meniscus meant a bigger inconvenience, missed workouts and the cost and time dealing with surgery.
Now I have some type of nerve damage in my neck. (Came by way of some big guy rolling on top of me and bending my neck into a bad position.)
So for the past two months I haven't been training because of the pain in my neck and arm. (If you are wondering, yes I just had an MRI yesterday, going for an EMG soon, all the time talking with my ortho doc.)
I share this with you as it is a real reminder of just how important our health is.
In all the years that I've been working out, meaning weight training...I've rarely gotten injured. Remember that I began working out at about 13 years old, and I'm 46 lot's of time training. Sure some muscle soreness or joint issues that lasted a day or so...but never anything like I've experienced doing the jiu jitsu.
So what's my point?
Find some method of exercise that will keep you feeling and performing your best. Exercise to get rid of the unhealthy fat and to prevent the many diseases that you and I both know are helped with exercise. Exercise to reduce your stress and to brighten your mood. Exercise to be a better parent, mom/dad, etc..
If my boot camp classes are a good fit for you, we begin brand new session tomorrow. (June 22)
Cost is $165 for twelve, 45 minute classes.
We meet MWF from 5:45-6:30a, or 6-6:45p
Contact me for any questions or to secure your spot.
P.S. Current clients please confirm with me if you will be continuing or not. Thanks.