See Boot Camp Can Even Be FunUnlike regular gyms that could care less and would actually probably prefer that you don't show up, I do want you to make it to each and every class. For this upcoming boot camp, I'm giving you even more incentive to show up and make every class...$$.
Details on these discounts are available to my email subscribers only. To subscribe, click here.
As a reminder, the classes meet:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 5:45 am - 6:30 am, or 6 pm - 6:45
Tuesday and Thursday only in the evening from 6 pm - 6:45 pm.
If you need to you can mix and match the days and times.
Cost for the June Camp: $165 for 3x a week (12 classes)
$120 for 2x a week (8 classes)
See if that seems like a deal to you, and if it will work with your schedule. If so, drop me an email so I can save you a spot.