Calendar and Policies / by Stephen Cooper

Please be mindful of your cel phone use.  This is a definite pet peeve of mine, but I'll keep it related to boot camp.

I understand checking your phone before and after class, and I understand having it near for emergencies, sick kids, etc..  I also understand using it as an alarm when you have to leave class early.

What I don't like is when people are browsing email, Facebook, news alerts, and the like during class.

These 45 minutes are your time...time to devote to your health.  Not to lifting a weight and browsing at your phone with your other hand.  This is not the time to multitask on your phone.

This is time to be committed to your health, and also to the positive energy and connection to the other boot campers in the class.


No Classes on Thanksgiving Thursday, nor on Friday the 28th of November.