With so many different ways to share information these days, such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Email, Twitter, Messenger, etc., I'm trying to simplify the way I can get information to you.
I'm going to focus on the blog (which you are reading here now), and email. I may lose some people, but my hope is that you'll get used to checking here for updates.
With so many distractions these days, I really believe that your time is precious, and not to be wasted surfing social media.
So, starting today, I will post updates here first. Book mark this page for all news.
Some tips about the layout of the blog.
First, at the top of the page, you'll see news of upcoming events. Second, on the top right, you'll want to click on "Blog". That's where I'll be posting tips and updates.
Once you've clicked and arrived at the blog, I will post important dates in a Calendar section at the bottom of each blog entry.
Your time is precious. I hope that you'll come here to the blog and get the information and your questions answered...and get back to doing what needs to be accomplished.
And of course clients, I'm available via email. stephen@bootcamppasadena.com