Monthly Online Coaching / by Stephen Cooper

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At 5:20 this morning, as I was setting up for the morning Boot Camp class, I was wondering why some clients see results while others don't.

The main thing that came to mind is habits.  It's the day after day of working on new skills, practicing, and molding them into habits that create long-lasting and healthy changes.

So often now I see clients who'd like to train with me but can't because they work late, or can't get enough sleep...also because of work or family.

They are stressed out the point of almost having a nervous breakdown, and they need more time to fit in self care.

Well, I'm going to offer you an online coaching solution.

It's a daily plan where you'll receive lessons and a habit to work on.  You'll take a few minutes, read through the lessons, and then check off if you've done your lesson and your habit.

Honestly, getting to a healthy weight and the body you want is possible, but without learning the skills, and then practicing them and creating the habits...long term success won't happen.

It's human nature to search for the "next thing", but this program creates a solid path to long-lasting results.

I've personally used this program (Precision Nutrition) since before 2006.  This is the most respected nutrition plan I've seen and used ever since I became a trainer, over 25 years ago.

The second part of the program is the workout plan.  You'll fill out an assessment, and information about your goals.  I will review that, and assign a workout program for you.

For each of these, I will be your coach.  We'll speak directly through the program, plus you can email me, or even call if you like...and I will answer all of your questions.

I'm offering both of these plans for only $67 per month.  I'll be raising the price soon, as I have a limit to how many clients I can coach.

Here is a video which explains the woman's program,

and for the men...

Have a look at the video, and sign up below, or contact me with your questions.

Talk to you soon,

P.S.  You'll still get the results, but you'll be able to do everything from home or your gym.

Hit "Subscribe" to get started.

P.S.S.  I don't really look at my weight too often, but just happened to check my own progress while doing the PN Program (I'm in week 22), and you can see, I'm down 20 pounds.  Pretty crazy!

My own results while using the program.