While you were sleeping, boot camp clients were warm up to this.
Where do I start?
There is no perfect diet for everyone. I smile when I see other Boot Camps and trainers in the Pasadena area that pretend they have "the" diet for you.
From the New York Times bestseller, "Faster, Higher, Stronger: How Sports Science is Creating a New Generations of Superathletes and What We Can Learn From Them" by Mark McClusky...
“We all seem to be looking for something to help us feel better and perform our best, and as a species, we seem to have a limitless credulity for new ways to do so.
Diets, and the way our bodies deal the food and nutrients they give it are intensely personal and individual. I think part of why we see so many fads and swings in the popular literature about diet is that we forget this fact, and look for one way of eating that works for everyone in the world. And there simply isn’t one.”
The only way to know for sure is to have your blood work done with a sports medicine doc, or at a sports specific place such as InsideTracker.
I had my own blood work many years ago from a sports med doc who worked with a lot of MMA fighters. He wrote up the instructions for the blood draw, and the results were sent to him. Then we looked over the results over a phone consultation. It was very eye-opening. I remember him saying that just taking supplements without the results from a blood test was "just guessing, and a way to have expensive urine."
So what do you do if you can't afford or don't want to have your blood drawn?
“From Mark McClusky again... “Bill Wagner and his team at Sparta Performance Science in California I’ve seen this with their athletes. Rather than giving them a laundry list of dietary guidelines, they boil down their advice for pro athletes to just two things:
Make sure that you eat 1 g of protein daily for every pound of body weight to support muscle growth, and eat at least eight fist-sized servings of vegetables a day. “You need to get rid of all other advice to make sure you do the most important things,” says Wagner. ”