Olympic National Park
I hope that you had a beautiful Thanksgiving. My daughter recently moved to Washington State, so we spent a chilly few days near the Olympic National Park staying with her and her fiancé.
The promise used to be that technology would free up time so we’d have more leisure. I don’t see this happening. I only see more stressed out clients with more hectic days.
If you train with us you can check off having to think about what exercise and workouts you should be doing. You just have to show up.
I’ll keep you focused on what works, like putting in consistent work and attention to the basics of training, sleep, and simple nutrition. The real keys to achieving and maintaining long term results.
This brings me to the special for 2019/2020.
Starting today and ending on December 14th, you can prepay and save 15% on as many camps as you’d like for 2020. You can buy as many months as you like at the discounted rate or pay for the whole year. It’s totally up to you. You’ll just need to decide how committed you are and how this fits into your budget. (Regular prices for camps vary from $125- $175 depending on the number of classes per month.)
But, remember that this special offer ends on December 14th. Payments can be made in person or online, just let me know what works best for you.
December will be a pretty normal month where I’ll probably just take the 24th and 25th off. It may change if I hear from enough boot campers that they’ll be out of town.
A chilly 22 degrees Lake Stevens, WA
December Boot Camp Details:
MWF AM Camp 5:45 AM- 6:30 AM
PM Camp 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM
12 classes for $165
Tu / Thur AM Camp 5:45 AM - 6:30 AM
PM Camp 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM
8 classes for $125
$18 (per drop-in)
Note: No Classes Dec. 24th and 25th
Class: Each class is 45 minutes.
This will be my 11th year running my boot camp. It’s not easy running a solo business, so to those of you who train with me month after month, and especially year after year, I really appreciate it and am very grateful to you.
Current clients, if you haven't already, please confirm if you will be continuing in December. We can also discuss your preferred rate and how the above discount may apply.