Wednesday March 18, 2020 - Today's At Home Workout - No Equipment Necessary / by Stephen Cooper

March 18, 2020 - Class # 8/13

Equipment needed: None

Warm Up: 60 sec

  1. Tai Chi arm swing

  2. Single leg deadlift stretch/touch

  3. Squat, then reach both arms above head as high as possible, got to tiptoes

  4. Split lunge, fingers laced above your head, as you drop one knee stretch up to the sky, lunge with next leg then tilt to one side

Work: 30/60/90 sec (see the time before each exercise) Repeat 2x, rest as nec between sets

  1. 60 - Push-up to plank

  2. 30 - Jump lunge

  3. 30 - Sprawls

  4. 90 - Alternating lunges

  5. 30 - Burpees

  6. Rest as nec, repeat this set one more time

  7. 60 - Push-up

  8. 60 - Handstand hold

  9. 30 - Jump squats

  10. 60 - Squat hold

  11. 90 - Alternating lunges


  1. 90 - Regular crunch

  2. 90 - Bicycle crunch

  3. 90 - Hips up, shoot heels up to the sky

  4. Rest as necessary

Tyson Squats:

Squat 1 time - squat deep and both back of hands must touch the ground
Take one step, then same deep squat as above but 3 squats
Repeat the step, then 5 squats
Keep repeating this one step while increasing the reps on each by 2 reps
So 7x, 9x, 11x, and so on till you reach 19x
100 total squats :)


  1. Dragon (one big step forward)

  2. Pigeon

  3. Puppy dog

Contact me if you have any questions. Or comment below.