Equipment needed: Kettlebells
60 seconds for each set
Warm up
Prisoner Squat
Lateral squat, 60 sec to right, 60 sec to left
Spiderman with arm raise
Rocking ankle stretch
Leg swings
(For each minute you will do # of kettlebell swings, then for the remaining part of the min. you will hold plank)
10x KB swings R arm, then hold plank for rest of min/ 10X L arm, then hold plank
14x same thing
18x same
22x same
Then for 60 sec you will do AMAP (as many as possible) swings with R arm, then AMAP with L arm
Rest as nec.
Squat hops
Push ups
Hindu squats
Walking lunges (use KB to make harder)
Seal jacks
Grasshopper pushups
Push up hold (go halfway down) and hold as long as possible
Squat hold
Cool down and stretch as necessary