Being able to zip up a dress, button up a shirt, and wear jeans I couldn't wear 8 months ago but can wear after a month and a half of working out with your bootcamp is so exciting. / by Stephen Cooper

"I just spent the last hour and half putting away pants that are now too big for me and digging out my jeans that I couldn't fit into at the beginning of the year!  Now these aren't my "skinny" jeans that I've been hanging onto, but rather the pants I wore in between my healthy stage and my "just prior to joining bootcamp" stage.  Recently, I was getting somewhat discouraged with the scale's lack of movement, but after the 50th time pulling up my pants in the past few days I decided to see if my previous normal pants would fit better.  And they do! So, just wanted to say thank you! Being able to zip up a dress, button up a shirt, and wear jeans I couldn't wear 8 months ago but can wear after a month and a half of working out with your bootcamp is so exciting.  I've still got another set of aspirational clothes to get into, but this was a great pick me up and renews my resolve for the rest of camp!"

Thanks again
Deborah, Pasadena, CA - via email