
Shake and Paint by Stephen Cooper

Morning get up and go breakfast shake. Water, protein powder, big handful spinach, frozen acai.  (Clients sometimes ask where can they buy frozen acai in Pasadena...I usually get Sambazon frozen acai at Whole Foods.) 


Some clients have asked me to post our workouts.  Here is the link to yesterday's workout.


We have a very fun event planned for Friday April 5 from 8 pm - 10:30 pm. 

We will be meeting at Paint The Town in San Marino.  There, we will have the whole place to ourselves.

Each person will get to select one studio painting and the instructor will walk you through the painting process, step by step. (Don't look to me for any tips or pointers...and no laughing at my lack of painting skills).  You can change colors, backgrounds and add whatever creative things you want. 

Don't worry if you have never painted before...

Please bring wine or your favorite beverage, and some healthy snacks if you like.

The cost is $25 per person.  Please confirm your space with me soon so that we can plan on supplies.


April 1, Monday, Wednesday, Friday Boot Camp Begins

April 2, Tuesday/Thursday Camp Begins

April 5, Paint The Town Party in San Marino


What to Eat for Breakfast to Burn Fat by Stephen Cooper

One of the questions that I get asked is, "What should I eat for breakfast?".

I'll tell you exactly what I ate this morning, I even took a picture of it.

Breakfast protein shake:

2 cups water

2 scoops chocolate protein powder

1/4 cup full fat coconut milk

frozen acai packet

sprinkle of cinnamon

In addition to that, I had two pieces of cantaloupe, and a small handful of walnuts.

I put this up here to show you exactly what I do.  This is a real life situation where I needed a quick, yet healthy meal to get my day started.

One of the questions that I get asked is, "What should I eat for breakfast?".

I'll tell you exactly what I ate this morning, I even took a picture of it.

Breakfast protein shake:

2 cups water

2 scoops chocolate protein powder

1/4 cup full fat coconut milk

frozen acai packet

sprinkle of cinnamon

In addition to that, I had two pieces of cantaloupe, and a small handful of walnuts.

I put this up here to show you exactly what I do.  This is a real life situation where I needed a quick, yet healthy meal to get my day started.

Other breakfast ideas 

Avocado, egg, and bacon salad

Easy Power Protein Breakfast Shake


Fat Burning Breakfast by Stephen Cooper

I'm often asked, "what should I eat for breakfast?".

Another question I hear a lot from clients is, "should I eat before boot camp, or not?"

As many of you know I wake up early on boot camp days, 4:50AM to be exact.  Usually I have a protein shake of some sort (recipe below) before boot camp, and then later around 9AM I'll have my main breakfast.

As far as fat loss theories...I think the verdict is still out if you should train on a fasted state or not.  I just told a boot camper this morning like I'm telling you here... if you feel a little queasy working out on an empty stomach, then have a few almonds and a half an apple.  Maybe a half a protein shake.  Experiment and see what gives you energy, but doesn't slow down your workout.

Coffee, mate', or tea are fine too before your session. 

So let's assume you are going to have your real meal after your boot camp session.  Here is a plan.

Choose lean proteins, eggs, leftover protein from the night before, add some vegetables, a piece of fruit, and some healthy fat.  Keep it simple.

Here's what I had today:

Pre boot camp shake:

2 scoops protein powder

1 frozen pack Sambazon Acai

1/2 cup full fat coconut milk

and water.


Around 8AM

3 eggs

hot chipotle salsa (Trader Joe's)

collard greens

olive oil for cooking

fresh apple from my neighbor's yard (thanks John)

Remember: proper "fueling" for your workout is critical.  Not only do want to eat right to have enough energy to train hard, but you want to eat a mix that will help you recover faster, and lose fat most effectively.

Pay attention to good eating, and your body will reward you. 


Related Reading:

Morning Frozen Acai Protein Shake

What to Eat for Maximum Fat Loss and Performance 

Meal Pictures

Simple Breakfast